How to Learn English with Movies?

We are all aware of the usefulness of learning English through films, but do you believe you understand how to get the most out of it? When it comes to using films as learning resources, the majority of individuals struggle to discover a method that works best for them. Other folks have no idea what films to see. In this essay, we'll discuss how to overcome these obstacles and get the best results possible when learning English through movies.

Now, shall we begin?

Why would you want to learn English through films?

Watching films is far more enjoyable than learning from a textbook! It can also be quite beneficial. Here are some reasons why watching an English film will help you enhance your fluency:

REAL ENGLISH – While textbooks are excellent for learning vocabulary and grammar, nothing beats listening to authentic English speakers. By viewing British and American films, you may hear native English speakers speak the language in an authentic manner. This will assist you in learning current English and making you sound more natural in terms of vocabulary and style.

BETTER PRONOUNCIATION - It might be confusing at times to determine how an English word is pronounced. Hearing native speakers in films teach you how to express things correctly. Film dialogues also demonstrate how the sounds of words change in linked speech.

LIVE CONTEXT - When you first learn a term, it might be challenging to recall its meaning or how to utilise it. In films, words are used to tell a story, and this context aids in the learning and retention of those words.

Suggestions for learning English via films

Choose only intriguing flicks!

This may seem self-evident, but the most critical aspect of using films to study English is to watch films you enjoy. If you select a dull film, you risk losing interest and paying less attention to the words used! Visit IMDB to browse for intriguing films by genre, title, actor/actress, or release date.

Avoid films that are very tough.

When viewing a film in English, it is critical that you comprehend enough of the dialogue to follow the plot. Choose a film that is appropriate for your current level of English. If you're new to cartoons or children's films, such as Toy Story, you might want to start with those. On the other side, if you understand 95% of the speech between characters in a film, you may find it too easy.

Aim for a comprehension rate of 70% or higher.

When learning English through films, the goal should be to get the overall concept rather than each individual word. Do not be concerned if you miss a few words or phrases or do not understand a character's accent in a film. You can pause or rewind the film sometimes to jot down new terminology, but avoid doing so excessively. Keep in mind that viewing movies should be enjoyable!

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Recite your favourite passages!

If you hear a line you particularly enjoy, jot it down and repeat it! When you read something out loud, the chances are you’ll memorise it better. Occasionally, you'll hear words that seem hip but are really used in everyday English in the United Kingdom or America. While textbooks do not typically use these colloquial terms, films do!

Once you've gotten the gist of the film, if you're watching it on the eJOY app, you can utilise the Cut A Clip tool to break it up into smaller segments. We usually recommend working with a short video clip of no more than three minutes while learning your English with videos or movies. The following are our suggested exercises for each scene:

  • Replay the sequence with English subtitles several times.
  • Consult a dictionary and add new words and expressions to your notebook.
  • Conduct dictation activities to improve your listening skills.
  • Utilize the shadowing approach to practise speaking.

Utilize subtitles properly

When watching an English-language film, it's a good idea to turn on the subtitles. With the majority of video players, it is easy to download and sync subtitles online. To enable English subtitles on YouTube, click the 'CC' option in the bottom right corner and then 'English subtitles'. If you truly enjoy a film, consider viewing it twice with and without subtitles. However, subtitles in your native tongue should be avoided even if its difficult for you to understand without it. Remember, your goal is to make your English better!



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